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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Toccara Jones was honored by the Middletown Ohio NAACP at their Annual Freedom Fund Gala. She received a key to the city.

"I'm being given the key to the city for being an inspiration for youth. My purpose is to inspire women to love themselves. I want them to be healthy and to have a better image of themselves," she said.

Jones has just finished working on a new DVD called "The Total Fitness Workout for Plus-Size Women." Too many times, she said, she has heard women say that regular workout programs don't work for them.

"I want to help women be healthy and to have some sense of accomplishment."



The View Co-host Sherri Shephard was out last week to the premiere of her new movie Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa. She is the voice of a character named "Mom"

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