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Friday, March 27, 2009


Do you remember Mandisa? If you dont, you surely have missed out on a treat. She was an American Idol contestant with Taylor Hicks. Since then Mandisa has really made her mark. Mandisa is a gospel singer. She has been nominated for both a Grammy and Dove Award. Mandisa has released four albums including her newest release "Freedom" that was released on March 24, 2009. Her first single off the album is entitled " My Deliverer". If you haven't noticed, Mandisa has lost some weight, but she is still a Thick Misses. Check out her new video for the single "He is With You" here

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3 comments: to “ NEW ALBUM: MANDISA "FREEDOM"

  • MsSapphire9800
    March 30, 2009 at 10:54 AM  

    I am sorry, she is a gorgeous sista, but I tried to get into her first CD..Yes, I actually brought it and this one sounds like it will be the same (no thanks). Who are her writers, she has a great voice?
    But I will congratulate the sista on her weight loss and future in the business.

  • Moe
    March 31, 2009 at 4:40 PM  

    I never would have recognized her if you hadn't said who she was. She was one of my favorites. I'm glad she's still plugging out the music. I want that orange trench!

  • Noelani
    May 17, 2009 at 9:50 PM  

    Mandisa is gorgeous, but I agree with MsSapphire, she needs the right producers and writers behind her music and she'd have it going on.

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