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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Monif C.

Monif C. , is an unapologetic stand for high fashion style for plus size women. Designed by mother/daughter team, Monif Clarke and Elaine Clarke, Monif C. was conceived to reaffirm every woman's desire for an inspired life, luxury, and unadulterated sex appeal. Shop Monif C: New York Flagship Boutique 325 W. 38th Street, Suite 1007 New York, NY 10018

I really enjoy seeing Monif C fashions on the runway. It makes me feel proud to be a THICKMISSES. She is not afraid to make a short dress to show off our big legs, arms or breast. In her designs, you can tell that these are the things she is wanting to show off. The only thing I have a problem with is that her clothes are not affordable for the average ThickMisses. Some of her designs can range up to $400.00 range. The lowest I have seen her design is $99 and that is when it is on clearance and you better hope they have your size.

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