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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Plus-sized model Mia Tyler, the daughter of rocker Steven Tyler and half-sister to actress Liv Tyler, talks to ET in her first TV interview about the night she almost took her own life!

"I felt like I was so lost and there was no way out and I was tired of being lonely," she tells ET's Thea Andrews. "I was really on the edge and I was ready to do it and I wasn't scared."

Mia has written a no-holds-barred autobiography, Creating Myself, in which tells the unvarnished truth about the night she sat on the edge of a Hollywood Hills balcony and considered taking the leap.

"I remember sitting on that balcony and, for the first time, I just didn't care and that's when I really knew I was in trouble, because I didn't care about other people," she admits.

Mia also reveals in Creating Myself her addiction to cutting, a phenomenon in which one stabs oneself until blood is drawn.

"Cutting is like doing a drug," Mia says. "You cut yourself and there's a moment where you don't feel anything, then the blood rushes and you feel alive … I was a secret cutter. I knew it was wrong, but it felt so good, so I didn't want people to see, so I started getting tattoos to cover my scars."
Mia, who was a very successful plus-sized model earning between $20,000 and $30,000 per shoot, says she still battles the desire to cut herself.

The book "Creating Myself" is on sale now.


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